14 signs that You have worms

Proven that the parasites (or worms, as they are called popularly) are able to harm and "colonize" any human organs, including the eyes, the brain, the heart.

The symptoms of helminthiasis

And it is filled with larger development pathologies, among which:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • iron deficiency anemia,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • neurological disease
  • education granulomas in the lung, liver, abdominal cavity,
  • the weakening of the immune system.

Consider the symptoms, which in conjunction with one another can signal the presence of an organism of parasites.

The symptoms of helminthiasis (worms)

Itching when non-commercial

One of the most characteristic symptoms of helminthiasis (presence of worms in the body) is an itching in the anal region of the passage. The itch often intensifies at night, when the parasites of the eggs, they emit toxic substances.

Rashes when non-commercial

Skin rash, flushing (redness) and pruritus may speak in favor of the presence in the body of a man of helminths.

In addition, toxic substances from parasites in the blood, by accumulating, cause disturbances, which in its external features are similar with the manifestations of such serious diseases, such as eczema and hives.

Gnashing of the teeth during sleep

The tooth grinding (or gnashing the teeth) is the response of the human nervous system to an irritating substance, which is a parasite.

Because the gnashing of the teeth more often that can occur during sleep, when we are not able to do notice, you notice the following symptoms:

  • gradual erasing of the teeth,
  • the increased sensitivity of the enamel of the teeth,
  • the pain and discomfort in the jaw,
  • traces of chewing and of roughness of the internal surface of the cheeks.

However, it has carried out studies, during which they tried to establish a relationship between the gnashing of teeth and worms, have not given positive results.

Rashes when non-commercial

Scientists say that the gnashing of the teeth during sleep is incorrectly the appliance on the teeth, diseases ENT organs, or nervous system disorders.

Worms and weight loss

It is generally accepted, that the thinness is one of the signs of helminthiasis.

Actually, the parasites not only poisoning the human body, and deny your ability to receive the necessary amount of vitamins and nutrients. As a result, a person in the first place, experiences a constant feeling of hunger, even if only to firmly ate, in the second place, lose weight.

It is possible, and another option: in the midst of the intoxication may disappear of appetite, which also leads to loss of weight.

Constipation worms

Frequent constipation for no apparent reason may indicate the presence in the body worms.

The fact is that helminths contribute to irritation of the gut and compromise the process of digestion and, consequently, decreasing the entry of water in the body, which causes constipation.

In addition, when a large cluster of parasites large overlap occurs they biliary and intestinal pathways, because of which the number of acts of defecation is reduced significantly, but the process involves by unpleasant sensations.

Diarrhea when worms

Certain types of parasites which produce substances that accumulate are derived from the body chloride and sodium, resulting in and occur frequent urges to defecation.

Diarrhea when worms can be observed due to an inflammatory process, triggered the fact that the parasites are attached to the walls of the small intestine, leading him to highlight is the amount of liquid, with which you infected, the body is not able to deal with.

Gnashing of the teeth during sleep

Flatulence of worms

Distension and abdominal pain, increased flatulence may be the result of an inflammation of the intestinal walls, in which are guilty of parasites.

Special attention for these symptoms one must pay to whom they came after the trip, in a country with poor environmental environment.

Pain in the joints when non-commercial

The toxins secreted by the parasites into the muscle, and also in articulating the liquid, preventing the healthy nutrition of the tissues. This leads to inflammation in the joints and muscles, and is accompanied by pain and sensations in the rhombus or the nature.

Anemia when non-commercial

Individual types of parasites that feed on blood, which is troubling not only because of the blood loss, and the development of iron deficiency anemia.

In the midst of anemia in a person, in whose body "live" the parasites, you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • the increased fatigue,
  • rapid fatigue,
  • general weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • headaches,
  • bleaching the skin and the sclera of the eyes,
  • lack of air,
  • rapid heartbeat.

The allergy to the worms

Infestation does not only release toxins, toxic body, and violate the integrity of the sheath of the intestine, which leads to failures in the functioning of the immune system.

Pain in the joints when non-commercial

The nervous system in worms

It is proven that the toxins secreted worms, negatively affect the nervous system of an infected person, which is manifested by irritability, frequent mood swings, apathy, depression, decreased memory and concentration.

Sleep disorder, when worms

Difficulty in falling asleep, feeling of weakness in the morning, regular spill at night (especially between two and three hours in the morning) you should alert, because all these symptoms can occur in the midst of the presence of parasites in the body.

Pain to the without-purpose

In severe cases it is possible to poisoning by the products of the life of a parasite in the brain, which can cause seizures.

Worms in the lungs

In the process of migrating worms can get in light, as show the following symptoms:

  • cough,
  • persistent increase of the temperature up to low-level digits,
  • the selection of the sputum,
  • runny nose.

Remember that parasites can cause the development of such terrible diseases such as pneumonia and bronchial asthma.

Practical advice when worms

Which the doctor treats worms?

The symptoms of the presence in the body of parasites very versatile and blurred. Therefore, when there is a suspicion of helminthiasis adults, you should contact your family doctor , and the children to the pediatrician . If necessary, they will be called the medical specialty related.

The analyses of the eggs end-to-end

When there is a suspicion of helminthiasis can assign the realization of the following studies:

  • Tri-examination of the stool (the time between the search is for 3 to 4 days).
  • Deployed to examination of faeces the most informative, through the application of technology PCR ).
  • Scraping the Enterobius (note that, when Enterobius this analysis is not informative).
  • An analysis of blood leukocyte formula (when parasitic diseases will be revealed, the increase in the number of eosinophils).
  • Serological analysis of blood for immunoglobulin , which allows you to identify the location of parasites in the human body.
  • Ultrasound of the liver will show an increase in the size of the agency, who talks about the inflammatory process, which is called the toxic exposure to parasites.
  • Brain magnetic resonance imaging will help to establish the presence of parasites directly in the brain.
Pain to the without-purpose

How to get rid of the worms?

Anthelmintic treatment should be prescribed solely by your physician.

Independent of the treatment can be useless, so how to deal with different types of parasites, apply the medicines of the different group.

In addition, self-medication helminthiasis dangerous, since the anthelmintic medicines include poisons, which in the case of non-compliance, the dosage and the scheme of the receipt of the toxic effects on the body.

Prevention of worms

Help warn entering in an organism of parasites in the following activities:

  • The washing of the hands after a walk and before a meal.
  • Drink boiled or purified water.
  • The exception is the intake of salt, dried and dried fish, not held the certification.
  • The thermal treatment of meat products.
  • The thorough washing of vegetables and fruits.
  • The exception to swim in dirty waters.
  • The achievement of prevention of worms in of all family members and pets.